Words and Actions Speak Volumes…

We live in a world that constantly challenges us to face the ebb and flow of life’s changes. We are faced with navigating the emotional, mental, and spiritual gymnastics that impact our living. This truth is more evident today than days gone by.

A Christmas Message About Being Accepted…

I am definitely not the same person I was at the beginning of 2018. In the midst of learning more about myself, I have come to realize some of the root causes of many interpersonal challenges of my life. During this reflection, I want to begin with a simple question….Have you ever wanted to be accepted?

Stop Dismissing Your Uniqueness

As a black man in the United States, I find it difficult to feel good about individuals attempting to dictate how a person ought to recognize their unique nature in the midst of an assumed melting pot of diversity. The deeper issue for me is how people have decided to deny their blackness in the name of fitting an incomplete theological narrative.